Bitcoin Fit
Science & Tech • Business • Education
BitCoin Fit's mission is to help communities to sovereignty by training with Bitcoin. By challenging ourselves and our teammates we get stronger and more fit. Coach Jay's expertise will guide you to be your best self.
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Welcome to Bitcoin Fit

We are excited to have you as part of our team and community.

Before you go any further, have you started stacking sats? No. Click on this link to download the Fold App to get started for FREE. Spin the wheel to win.

About Coach Jay
A little over 10 years ago, Coach Jay heard about this new technology that was internet money. As a technologist and business leader in DoD where the checks never bounced, he was curious, but not really interested. Over the years Coach Jay would leave government contracting to start his own successful business using technology to track Cannabis. Witnessing the issues legal Cannabis companies had trying to garner banking privileges, he started a journey learning Bitcoin. Jay's journey accelerated after the 2020 pandemic. His path to a Bitcoin standard has had many turns. Thus, he wants to share these experiences with you. Coach Jay wants to grow and train with you.

About Bitcoin Fit
Bitcoin Fit is a community looking to train and work hard to solidify individual sovereignty through Bitcoin. Everyone is welcome. Coach Jay's goal is to help parents, kids, and small businesses move to a Bitcoin standard. This community on Locals will focus on Bitcoin, economics, and individual sovereignty. Bitcoin Fit will be available via website, newsletter, meetups, and other social media; but real conversations in real time will happen here. Coach Jay will monitor and engage on Locals. And he encourages you to do the same.

To get physically fit, we have to train together. To hold each other accountable. To work as a team. Bitcoin is no different.


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National Women's Day

For National Women's day, I thought it would be cool to recognize a couple of amazing ladies. They are my go-to people for Bitcoin and economic information.

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And of course, if you want to listen to it in Podcast form, Guy Swan has you covered in 2 parts:

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January 28, 2023
Fire Up the Wayback Machine

Today we are going to fire up the Wayback Machine and travel to 1972 for our training. If you recall, in 1971, Nixon put the nail in the coffin of the gold standard by refusing to pay France's IOUs with gold. So a young economist named John Exter wrote a piece about what is money titled "Currencies Today Are IOU Nothings".

If you have been training with us, remember that the chance of any fiat nation going back to a gold standard is nil. So as you digest this article, keep in mind that it is about Bitcoin.


And of course, if you want to listen to it, here is the great Guy Swan:

February 12, 2023
Keet and Damus
Communicate with No middle men, No centralized servers, No KYC

This past week a couple of privacy apps were released for both iOS and Android.  (Plus macOS)  As part of our training, we are looking for solutions to help fight censorship and maintain privacy.  No middle men, no centralized servers, no KYC.  Just a secure way to text, talk, video, and share with friends.  One is called Keet and the other Damus.  Let’s dig in!


Imagine that you are using Twitter/Facebook and one of the people you follow has been banned.  That sucks and you consider cancelling your account.  But then you lose all your posts, pictures, interactions.  It would be like moving to another country and you’d have to start all over.

Enter Nostr.  Nostr is a decentralized infrastructure that supports distributed messaging.  Similar to Bitcoin, nodes (which are called relays in Nostr) are run by individuals and connected peer to peer.  When a message is posted to the network, it propagates across all the nodes.  All messages are encrypted and verifiable.


To help facilitate messaging, Damus was launched.  It provides a UI that has the look and feel of Twitter.  You can easily search and follow your favorite people.

Back to our scenario.  Let’s say Damus does something with the app that blocks one of the people you follow.  You can easily switch to a different app.  And since all your data is stored decentralized, you don’t lose anything.  It’s YOUR data.

If you want to connect to me here is my public Key:


Want to know what is cool about the public Key?  It is unique.  Sure, there may be a BitcoinFit on Nostr…but you can easily verify it is me if the npub key is exact.  This kills the imposters.

Additionally, I have stood up a Nostr relay through my Umbrel node.  It was super easy to do.  I’m working on exposing my relay so you can add my node.  Thus creating our own unstoppable community.


Here is our next scenario.  You are looking to Zoom with a friend.  How does that work?  You and your friend both log into the Zoom central servers.  The servers will service up the connection and relay the video/audio packets across the network.  Even though Zoom encrypts the video, it is stored and relayed centrally.  Similar services are Skype, Facetime, etc.  They all work similarly.

Enter Holepunch.  Holepunch is a network protocol that connects your devices peer-to-peer.  Eliminating the central server.  The processing is contained on the devices themselves.  Thus, you don’t need an account or permission to connect to your peers.  You can’t be censored or shutdown by a central authority.

Keet is the first app that provides a user interface that is intuitive and Zoom like.  You can set up chat rooms that are private and communicate directly with your friends and family.

Here is a punch to my BitcoinFit room.  Come Chat!



Both Keet and Damas are in an alpha stage.  They are open source and many dedicated developers are working on bug fixes, improvements, and enhancements.  By supporting them you are acknowledging that it will take time to get a polished product.


Why does this matter and what does it have to do with Bitcoin?  One of the attractions to Bitcoin is the cash like qualities.  It is censorship resistant.  It’s private.  Communication should be treated the same.  When looking at attack vectors against Bitcoin, one is limiting the usage.  Satoshi’s eCash won’t be effective if nobody transacts with it.  Thus our mission is to find merchants and service providers who accept Bitcoin.  But if our communication channels are shut down by adversaries, then how do we transact?  Keet and Damus become tools to help us utilize Bitcoin.  Damus on Nostr is your social networking tool.  Your search engine to find merchants and service providers.  Keet on Holepunch becomes your direct messaging tool to make transactions.

For example, let’s say you want to buy a side of beef.  Ok, that is a lot of meat.  How about ¼ cow?  You could use your network on Nostr through the Damus app to find a rancher that accepts Bitcoin.  Now you could DM them privately through Damus or perhaps you want to see the cow?  Fire up Keet and call the rancher.  You can use the video conferencing to inspect your purchase before payment.  And you can send payment privately through Keet on the Lightning network or Damus.

Your communication and transaction is private and secured.  No social credit score deduction.  No banking oversight. 

Continue Training

Here are some sources for further training:

Audio by Guy Swan:

If you like what you are seeing...

Of course, BitcoinFit may be moving from Locals to a more decentralized solution in the future.  One that is native to Bitcoin.

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October 06, 2022
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Future of Social Media
How Micro-Payments will Save Us

The Conversation

This past week a private conversation between Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey was released to the public. You probably already know that earlier this year, Jack Dorsey left Twitter. Also around that time, Musk decided to buy Twitter. Because this is a Bitcoin blog, it should also be mentioned that at the beginning of the year, Twitter implimented a tipping payment system using Bitcoin. Users have the ability to tip content creators.

But, let's get back to the conversation. Elon affectionately refers to Jack Dorsey as Jack Jack.

Let's focus on the comment in circled red. Here Dorsey is admiting to Twitter's failure. The centralized company is controlled by an advertising business model being exploited by other companies and the government. Thus losing control of it's own platform.

Advertising is Dying

Jack Dorsey denounces the advertising business model and centralized platform, but Twitter's issues run much deeper. Over this past summer, Elon Musk identified it and called it out. Bots...fake accounts. Twitter is rittled with them. Of course, if you are buying a company based on the number of users, you want them to be real. Advertisers want them to be real.

Here is Jimmy Song talking about fake accounts, spam, and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will destroy the economics of the internet.

Fake profiles are proliferating everywhere. The internet is built on free services and obviously they are very cheap to create for the user. Unfortunately, that also means they're very cheap to create for spammers.Spam is a huge problem. We saw in the Musk/Twitter fight how this was a point of dispute. You can also see how much of Twitter is getting ruined because of the fake profiles posting spam. These aren't particularly sophisticated, posting the same text or image over and over.Platforms have mixed feelings about this. They run on ads and the "users" see ads, the more money they make. Fake or real, an ad view or ad click still generates revenue. On the other hand, spam and fake profiles degrade the user experience driving real users away.Hence, they tolerate spam until it degrades the service beyond a certain level and then ban them to get the service back on track. But what happens when AI comes into the picture?AI makes fake profiles more and more difficult to detect. Any pattern used to ban spam bots will be used to create a smarter AI to create better spam bots. We're in for a real life Turing test between platforms and spam AI.Spam bots don't buy anything, so ultimately hurt the advertisers that fund all these platforms. Ad rates are going to plummet, which puts pressure on platforms to allow more spam bots.How do platforms get out of this mess? AI gets better to avoid banning, ad conversion rates plummet and that ultimately means the sole source of revenue for most free internet services has a long term down trend.AI will force the internet to change its economics. Free services will have to start charging money to keep out bots. This will destroy a lot of companies.

So all these free social platforms that sell your personal information to advertisers are on the road to ruin which will be accelerated by AI and machine learning. Hence, why this article is on Locals. Did you notice that there is no advertisements? That's because we charge a measly $2 per month to come train with us. I get zero dollars from advertisers.

The Other Attack Vector

But enough about that, there is another attack vector.

Patreon, for those unfamiliar, was founded in 2013. The site bills itself as an online membership platform that provides a business model and tools for creators to run a subscription content service to subscribers, or “patrons,” hence the name. All manner of people and content exist on Patreon, from singer-songwriters and comic illustrators to novelists and folks who show off pictures of their animal friends (no, really).

Patreon is different from social media sites likes Twitter and Facebook because of the explicit business angle which is also why content creators love it. It allows them to create tiered access to monetize subscribers. (Just like Locals...)

As a free speech site, the rules, terms, and conditions of Patreon are pretty wide open. Basically, no pornography and no hate speech. However, in 2018 things changed. In August, controvertial writer Robert Spencer was banned from Patreon. Not for violating the terms and conditions, mind you. No, he was banned because of Mastercard. While he was not controvertial for Patreon, he was for Mastercard. Mastercard threatened Patreon that they would prohibit transactions on the site if Spencer was on it.

It didn't stop there. Carl Benjamin was banned from Patreon and then SubscribeStar. Paypal threatened SubscribeStar the same way Mastercard did.

These platforms lost control due to the centralization of the businesses behind them. They had a "surface area", or better stated, an attack vector that was easily exploited.

I Want My Two Dollars! was started by Dave Rubin as a competitor to Patreon in 2019. His mission was to advance free speech for content creators and limit the attack vector from advertisers, payments processors, and government. While Dave is very charitable, Locals is not a charity. They have expenses that need to be covered. Things like hosting servers and developers need to be compensated. Without advertisers, fees need to be collected from content providers and subscribers. Thus, you are paying with your hard earned money, not your hard earned personal information.

At this point in the article, I could add some code that would prevent you from continuing and give access only to BitcoinFit subscribers. I'm not going to do that, but if you're curious to see that functionality in action, here is an example:

It's worth the $2, but don't trust me...verify for yourself. Did you know that I only get $1.43 of that? Locals obviously takes a cut. But a chunk of that goes to credit card company and payment processor fees. When Locals first started they wanted the minimum subscription fee to be $1. They were shot down because the amount was too small. Moving small amounts of money is expensive.



The Lightning Network is a 2nd layer network that runs on top of the Bitcoin base layer. It's purpose is to speed up transactions times and allow for micro-payments. (Additionally, it adds a level of privacy to your Bitcoin transactions.) Lightning requires the Segwit code adoption on the Bitcoin base layer to function. Segwit hit an 80% adoption rate in October of 2021. Thus allowing the Lightning network to grow exponentially.

The Lightning Network is super fast and super cheap. Without going too deep on how it all works, what you need to know is that the nodes set their own fees. The code is designed to find the cheapest route through the network.

To give you some perspective, the average fee is $0.000000005 per Satoshi sent. $2 ~= 10,000 Satoshis. To send $2 across the Lightning network would cost 0.005¢. To send $20,000 would cost 50¢ paid to the node operators.


I've been running BitcoinFit for 6 months now. From a personal stand-point, it has been awesome and I am loving it. From a financial one, not so much. Getting subscribers is hard work. I've got to provide value. I have to convince you that the content I'm putting out is worth your $2 per month.

My marketing is mainly on Facebook and Twitter. I share links to my posts there, but try to limit the conversation in an attempt to get people to subscribe. But here is what I find interesting. People value thier personal information at less than $2.

Back to Jack Jack

How much would you pay to be on Twitter? Now this version of Twitter is ad free and no fake accounts. Bots are eliminated because it's too expensive. It's a town square where you can reward people creating great content through tips. By paying a nominal fee, you prove you are real, but you can still be anonymous.

What if you only had to pay when you used the system? Let's say you log on and the clock starts. But this isn't a service where you get billed when you log off. No, you pay by the minute. You're charged every minute you serf. This is where Lightning come in. Scroll for 10 minutes, you are charged 10 transactions.

But at what price? The average Twitter user spends 30 minutes per day. That's a little over 15 hours per month. Is it worth $2 per month? 😉

Using the Lightning network, Twitter could charge 0.2¢ per minute. (NOT 2 fifth of a cent per minute) Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, etc...can't do this. Bitcoin will only ever have 21 Million coins. But that 21 Million can be infinitely divisible. Currently, 1 Bitcoin is 100,000,000 Satoshis. With a minor code change to Layer 1 or Layer 2, 1 Satoshi could = 100,000,000 Micro-Satoshis (Hay-Penny?).

Onto Elon

Elon is in a tough spot. He's bought a social media company overrun with fake accounts and bots. A company beholden to the whims of advertisers and curtailed by the popular narrative. The man who thinks patents are for the weak has alot to clean up.

“I don’t care about patents,” Musk told Jay Leno. “Patents are for the weak.” In Musk’s opinion, patents are “generally used as a blocking technique” that are designed to prevent others from innovating. “They’re used like landmines in warfare,” he says. “They don’t actually help advance things; they just stop others from following you.”

Can the Tesla icon advance social media to get users to pay? There are 400 million users on the system. Let's assume 50% are bots. 200 million real users. If they pay $2 per month via Lightning, Twitter will effectively match its current monthly revenue.

So it's feasible, but the last attack vector is the centralized company. Now everyone knows Elon Musk is a master of manipulating government regulations and rules. However, adversaries will look to shut down free speech. How does Twitter decentralize to stop them?


This is an exciting time. We are witnessing the transition of our monetary system and the impact on our culture. There is so much that is possible now. Let's keep working together to push the envelope.

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September 04, 2022
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How I Compounded Cash Back
Using Costco and Fold

We are all looking for life hacks and passive ways to make some extra cash.  Below are step by step instructions on how I turned a 1.75% cashback on my everyday expenses into 3.25% and ultimately…325%

Before we get started, please remember to live within your means and don’t over extend yourself.  My dad taught me to always pay off my debts.  He told me that a credit card is simply a 1 month interest free loan.  If you don’t have the money in the bank (or cash) then don’t spend it.

Now let’s get to it.

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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